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  Array  Class 
  Boolean  Structure 
  Buffer  Class 
  Byte  Structure 
  Char  Structure 
  Console  Class 
  Convert  Class 
  DateTime  Structure 
  DayOfWeek  Enumeration 
  Decimal  Structure 
  Double  Structure 
  Enum  Class 
  Environment  Class 
  Exception  Class 
  ICloneable  Interface 
  Int16  Structure 
  Int32  Structure 
  Int64  Structure 
  Math  Class 
  Object  Class 
  OperatingSystem  Class 
  Random  Class 
  SByte  Structure 
  Single  Structure 
  String  Class 
  TimeSpan  Structure 
  UInt16  Structure 
  UInt32  Structure 
  UInt64  Structure 
  Version  Class 

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  System.Double Structure
The Double structure holds floating point numbers in the range +/-1.79769313486232e308, plus the following extreme values :
PositiveInfinity Infinity (N/0)
NegativeInfinity -Infinity (-N/0)
NaN Not a number (0/0)

Double complies with IEEE standards for calculations.
Unlike the Decimal structure, rounding can occur with Double value calculations.
Double structures are created dynamically from their definition - there is no Create constructor. The native delphi Double type maps to System.Double.
CompareTo  Compares the current Double value to another
Equals  Determines if the current Double equals another
IsInfinity  Returns true if a a given Double is +/- infinite in value
IsNaN  Returns true if a a given Double has no valid value
IsNegativeInfinity  Returns true if a a given Double is - infinite in value
IsPositiveInfinity  Returns true if a a given Double is + infinite in value
Parse  Converts a string representation of a Double into a Double value
ToString  Converts the current Double value to a string

Epsilon  Double  Smallest non-zero +ve value : 4.94065645841247e-324
MinValue  Double  Largest negative value : 1.79769313486232e308
MaxValue  Double  Largest negative value : 1.79769313486232e308
NaN  Double  Not a number : 0/0
NegativeInfinity  Double  -Infinity
PositiveInfinity  Double  Infinity

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