| Close | Closes the BinaryReader |
| PeekChar | Returns (peeks at) the next stream byte without updating stream position |
| Read | Reads the next character or block of characters from the current stream |
| ReadBoolean | Reads the next byte from the current stream as a Boolean |
| ReadByte | Reads the next byte from the current stream |
| ReadBytes | Reads the next block of bytes from the current stream |
| ReadChar | Reads the next character from the current stream |
| ReadChars | Reads the next block of characters from the current stream |
| ReadDecimal | Reads the next 16 bytes from the current stream as a Decimal number |
| ReadInt16 | Reads the next 2 bytes from the current stream as an Int16 number |
| ReadInt32 | Reads the next 4 bytes from the current stream as an Int32 number |
| ReadInt64 | Reads the next 8 bytes from the current stream as an Int64 number |
| ReadSByte | Reads the next signed byte from the current stream |
| ReadSingle | Reads the next 16 bytes from the current stream as a Single number |
| ReadString | Reads a string from the current stream |
| ReadUInt16 | Reads the next 2 bytes from the current stream as an UInt16 number |
| ReadUInt32 | Reads the next 4 bytes from the current stream as an UInt32 number |
| ReadUInt64 | Reads the next 8 bytes from the current stream as an UInt64 number |