| Add | Add a new Element to the end of the ArrayList |
| AddRange | Add a range of elements to the end of the ArrayList |
| BinarySearch | Searches the sorted ArrayList for a specific element |
| Clear | Remove all elements from the ArrayList |
| Clone | Creates a shallow clone (copy) of the current ArrayList to another |
| Contains | Searches the sorted ArrayList for a specific element |
| CopyTo | Copies elements from the ArrayList to a single dimension array |
| GetEnumerator | Gets an enumerator to allow reading the elements of the current ArrayList |
| GetRange | Creates a new ArrayList from a subset of the current ArrayList elements |
| IndexOf | Tries to find the first occurence of an object in the current ArrayList |
| Insert | Insert a new element into the ArrayList at the specified index position |
| InsertRange | Add a range of elements into the ArrayList |
| LastIndexOf | Tries to find the alst occurence of an object in the current ArrayList |
| Remove | Remove a particular Object Element from the ArrayList |
| RemoveAt | Remove an element from the ArrayList at the specified index position |
| RemoveRange | Remove a range of elements from the ArrayList |
| Repeat | Create a new ArrayList with all elements set to the same value |
| Reverse | Reverse the sequence of elements in the ArrayList |
| SetRange | Overlays elements from a collection onto the current ArrayList |
| Sort | Sort the elements in the ArrayList into sequence |
| ToArray | Copies elements from the ArrayList to a new single dimension array |
| TrimToSize | Removes unused elements from the current ArrayList |