Gives the number of seconds in a day SysUtils unit
const SecsPerDay = 86400;
The SecsPerDay constant gives the number of seconds in a day (24 * 60 * 60 = 86400).
Related commands
DaysInAMonthGives the number of days in a month
DaysInAYearGives the number of days in a year
MinsPerDayGives the number of minutes in a day
MonthDaysGives the number of days in a month
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Example code : Show the number of minutes and seconds in a week
  ShowMessage('Number of minutes in a week = '+IntToStr(MinsPerDay*7));
  ShowMessage('Number of seconds in a week = '+IntToStr(SecsPerDay*7));
Show full unit code
  Number of minutes in a week = 10080
  Number of seconds in a week = 604800
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