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 Type   Name   Summary
 Function Abs Gives the absolute value of a number (-ve sign is removed)
 Function Addr Gives the address of a variable, function or procedure
 Keyword And Boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments
 Function ArcCos The Arc Cosine of a number, returned in radians
 Function ArcSin The Arc Sine of a number, returned in radians
 Function ArcTan The Arc Tangent of a number, returned in radians
 Function Bounds Create a TRect value from top left and size values
 Function CelsiusToFahrenheit Convert a celsius temperature into fahrenheit
 Function Chr Convert an integer into a character
 Function CompareValue Compare numeric values with a tolerance
 Function Convert Convert one measurement value to another
 Function Copy Create a copy of part of a string or an array
 Function Cos The Cosine of a number
 Variable CurrencyDecimals Defines decimal digit count in the Format function
 Variable CurrencyFormat Defines currency string placement in curr display functions
 Variable CurrencyString The currency string used in currency display functions
 Function CurrToStr Convert a currency value to a string
 Function CurrToStrF Convert a currency value to a string with formatting
 Function DayOfTheMonth Gives day of month index for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
 Function DayOfTheWeek Gives day of week index for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
 Function DayOfTheYear Gives the day of the year for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
 Function DayOfWeek Gives day of week index for a TDateTime value
 Function DaysBetween Gives the whole number of days between 2 dates
 Function DaysInAMonth Gives the number of days in a month
 Function DaysInAYear Gives the number of days in a year
 Function DaySpan Gives the fractional number of days between 2 dates
 Procedure Dec Decrement an ordinal variable
 Variable DecimalSeparator The character used to display the decimal point
 Procedure DecodeDate Extracts the year, month, day values from a TDateTime var.
 Procedure DecodeDateTime Breaks a TDateTime variable into its date/time parts
 Procedure DecodeTime Break a TDateTime value into individual time values
 Function DegToRad Convert a degrees value to radians
 Keyword Div Performs integer division, discarding the remainder
 Function EncodeDate Build a TDateTime value from year, month and day values
 Function EncodeDateTime Build a TDateTime value from day and time values
 Function EncodeTime Build a TDateTime value from hour, min, sec and msec values
 Procedure Exclude Exclude a value in a set variable
 Function Exp Gives the exponent of a number
 Function FahrenheitToCelsius Convert a fahrenheit temperature into celsius
 Procedure FillChar Fills out a section of storage with a fill character or byte value
 Function FloatToStr Convert a floating point value to a string
 Function FloatToStrF Convert a floating point value to a string with formatting
 Function Format Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string
 Function FormatCurr Rich formatting of a currency value into a string
 Function FormatFloat Rich formatting of a floating point number into a string
 Function Frac The fractional part of a floating point number
 Function Hi Returns the hi-order byte of a (2 byte) Integer
 Function High Returns the highest value of a type or variable
 Keyword In Used to test if a value is a member of a set
 Procedure Inc Increment an ordinal variable
 Procedure Include Include a value in a set variable
 Constant Infinity Floating point value of infinite size
 Function Int The integer part of a floating point number as a float
 Function IntToHex Convert an Integer into a hexadecimal string
 Function IntToStr Convert an integer into a string
 Function IsInfinite Checks whether a floating point number is infinite
 Function IsNaN Checks to see if a floating point number holds a real number
 Function Length Return the number of elements in an array or string
 Function Ln Gives the natural logarithm of a number
 Function Lo Returns the low-order byte of a (2 byte) Integer
 Function Log10 Gives the log to base 10 of a number
 Function Low Returns the lowest value of a type or variable
 Function Max Gives the maximum of two integer values
 Constant MaxInt The maximum value an Integer can have
 Constant MaxLongInt The maximum value an LongInt can have
 Function Mean Gives the average for a set of numbers
 Function Min Gives the minimum of two integer values
 Constant MinsPerDay Gives the number of minutes in a day
 Keyword Mod Performs integer division, returning the remainder
 Constant MonthDays Gives the number of days in a month
 Function MonthOfTheYear Gives the month of the year for a TDateTime value
 Procedure Move Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination
 Constant NaN Not a real number
 Variable NegCurrFormat Defines negative amount formatting in currency displays
 Function Odd Tests whether an integer has an odd value
 Keyword Or Boolean or or bitwise or of two arguments
 Function Ord Provides the Ordinal value of an integer, character or enum
 Function Pi The mathematical constant
 Function Point Generates a TPoint value from X and Y values
 Function PointsEqual Compares two TPoint values for equality
 Function Pred Decrement an ordinal variable
 Function PtInRect Tests to see if a point lies within a rectangle
 Function RadToDeg Converts a radian value to degrees
 Function Random Generate a random floating point or integer number
 Procedure Randomize Reposition the Random number generator next value
 Function RandomRange Generate a random integer number within a supplied range
 Variable RandSeed Reposition the Random number generator next value
 Function RecodeDate Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable
 Function RecodeTime Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable
 Function Rect Create a TRect value from 2 points or 4 coordinates
 Function Round Rounds a floating point number to an integer
 Constant SecsPerDay Gives the number of seconds in a day
 Procedure SetLength Changes the size of a string, or the size(s) of an array
 Keyword Shl Shift an integer value left by a number of bits
 Keyword Shr Shift an integer value right by a number of bits
 Function Sin The Sine of a number
 Function SizeOf Gives the storage byte size of a type or variable
 Function Slice Creates a slice of an array as an Open Array parameter
 Function Sqr Gives the square of a number
 Function Sqrt Gives the square root of a number
 Procedure Str Converts an integer or floating point number to a string
 Function StrToCurr Convert a number string into a currency value
 Function StrToFloat Convert a number string into a floating point value
 Function StrToInt Convert an integer string into an Integer value
 Function StrToInt64 Convert an integer string into an Int64 value
 Function StrToInt64Def Convert a string into an Int64 value with default
 Function StrToIntDef Convert a string into an Integer value with default
 Function Succ Increment an ordinal variable
 Function Sum Return the sum of an array of floating point values
 Function Tan The Tangent of a number
 Type TBits An object that can hold an infinite number of Boolean values
 Variable TConvFamily Defines a family of measurement types as used by Convert
 Type TConvType Defines a measurement type as used by Convert
 Type TFloatFormat Formats for use in floating point number display functions
 Variable ThousandSeparator The character used to display the thousands separator
 Type TPoint Holds X and Y integer values
 Type TRect Holds rectangle coordinate values
 Function Trunc The integer part of a floating point number
 Procedure Val Converts number strings to integer and floating point values
 Keyword Xor Boolean Xor or bitwise Xor of two arguments
Run Time Library Reference  
By first letter  
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z $
By Functionality  
 Data types
Integers, ordinals
Floating point types
String, char types
Pointer types
Other types
 Program structure
Program control
Program data
 Object orientation
Control options
Data options
Data access
File name handling
 Strings and chars
Converting from
Converting to
 Numbers and sets
Converting from
Converting to
Default numbers
 Dates and times
Converting from
Converting to
Date and time values
By Unit  
By Category  
  Compiler directives
  Variables   Constants
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