  Home  |  Strings and chars : Strings and chars
 Type   Name   Summary
 Function AnsiCompareStr Compare two strings for equality
 Function AnsiCompareText Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case
 Function AnsiContainsStr Returns true if a string contains a substring
 Function AnsiContainsText Returns true if a string contains a substring, case insensitive
 Function AnsiEndsStr Returns true if a string ends with a substring
 Function AnsiIndexStr Compares a string with a list of strings - returns match index
 Function AnsiLeftStr Extracts characters from the left of a string
 Function AnsiLowerCase Change upper case characters in a string to lower case
 Function AnsiMatchStr Returns true if a string exactly matches one of a list of strings
 Function AnsiMidStr Returns a substring from the middle characters of a string
 Function AnsiPos Find the position of one string in another
 Function AnsiReplaceStr Replaces a part of one string with another
 Function AnsiReverseString Reverses the sequence of letters in a string
 Function AnsiRightStr Extracts characters from the right of a string
 Function AnsiStartsStr Returns true if a string starts with a substring
 Function AnsiUpperCase Change lower case characters in a string to upper case
 Procedure AppendStr Concatenate one string onto the end of another
 Function CompareStr Compare two strings to see which is greater than the other
 Function CompareText Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case
 Function Concat Concatenates one or more strings into one string
 Function Copy Create a copy of part of a string or an array
 Variable CurrencyDecimals Defines decimal digit count in the Format function
 Variable CurrencyFormat Defines currency string placement in curr display functions
 Variable CurrencyString The currency string used in currency display functions
 Function CurrToStr Convert a currency value to a string
 Function CurrToStrF Convert a currency value to a string with formatting
 Function DateTimeToStr Converts TDateTime date and time values to a string
 Procedure DateTimeToString Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string
 Function DateToStr Converts a TDateTime date value to a string
 Variable DecimalSeparator The character used to display the decimal point
 Procedure Delete Delete a section of characters from a string
 Function DupeString Creates a string containing copies of a substring
 Function ExtractFileDir Extracts the dir part of a full file name
 Function ExtractFileDrive Extracts the drive part of a full file name
 Function ExtractFileExt Extracts the extension part of a full file name
 Function ExtractFileName Extracts the name part of a full file name
 Function FloatToStr Convert a floating point value to a string
 Function FloatToStrF Convert a floating point value to a string with formatting
 Function Format Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string
 Function FormatCurr Rich formatting of a currency value into a string
 Function FormatDateTime Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string
 Function FormatFloat Rich formatting of a floating point number into a string
 Function High Returns the highest value of a type or variable
 Function InputBox Display a dialog that asks for user text input, with default
 Function InputQuery Display a dialog that asks for user text input
 Procedure Insert Insert a string into another string
 Function IntToHex Convert an Integer into a hexadecimal string
 Function IntToStr Convert an integer into a string
 Function LastDelimiter Find the last position of selected characters in a string
 Function Length Return the number of elements in an array or string
 Variable LongDateFormat Long version of the date to string format
 Variable LongDayNames An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday
 Variable LongMonthNames An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = January
 Variable LongTimeFormat Long version of the time to string format
 Function LowerCase Change upper case characters in a string to lower case
 Function MessageDlg Displays a message, symbol, and selectable buttons
 Function MessageDlgPos Displays a message plus buttons at a given screen position
 Procedure Move Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination
 Variable NegCurrFormat Defines negative amount formatting in currency displays
 Function Ord Provides the Ordinal value of an integer, character or enum
 Function Pos Find the position of one string in another
 Procedure ProcessPath Split a drive/path/filename string into its constituent parts
 Procedure SetLength Changes the size of a string, or the size(s) of an array
 Procedure SetString Copies characters from a buffer into a string
 Variable ShortDateFormat Compact version of the date to string format
 Variable ShortDayNames An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday
 Variable ShortMonthNames An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = Jan
 Variable ShortTimeFormat Short version of the time to string format
 Procedure ShowMessage Display a string in a simple dialog with an OK button
 Procedure ShowMessageFmt Display formatted data in a simple dialog with an OK button
 Procedure ShowMessagePos Display a string in a simple dialog at a given screen position
 Procedure Str Converts an integer or floating point number to a string
 Function StringOfChar Creates a string with one character repeated many times
 Function StringReplace Replace one or more substrings found within a string
 Function StringToWideChar Converts a normal string into a WideChar 0 terminated buffer
 Function StrScan Searches for a specific character in a constant string
 Function StrToCurr Convert a number string into a currency value
 Function StrToDate Converts a date string into a TDateTime value
 Function StrToDateTime Converts a date+time string into a TDateTime value
 Function StrToFloat Convert a number string into a floating point value
 Function StrToInt Convert an integer string into an Integer value
 Function StrToInt64 Convert an integer string into an Int64 value
 Function StrToInt64Def Convert a string into an Int64 value with default
 Function StrToIntDef Convert a string into an Integer value with default
 Function StrToTime Converts a time string into a TDateTime value
 Function StuffString Replaces a part of one string with another
 Type TFloatFormat Formats for use in floating point number display functions
 Type TFormatSettings A record for holding locale values for thread-safe functions
 Variable ThousandSeparator The character used to display the thousands separator
 Function TimeToStr Converts a TDateTime time value to a string
 Type TPrintDialog Class that creates a printer selection and control dialog
 Type TReplaceFlags Defines options for the StringReplace routine
 Function Trim Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string
 Function TrimLeft Removes leading blanks from a string
 Function TrimRight Removes trailing blanks from a string
 Type TStringList Holds a variable length list of strings
 Variable TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow Sets the century threshold for 2 digit year string conversions
 Function UpCase Convert a Char value to upper case
 Function UpperCase Change lower case characters in a string to upper case
 Procedure Val Converts number strings to integer and floating point values
 Function WideCharToString Copies a null terminated WideChar string to a normal string
 Function WrapText Add line feeds into a string to simulate word wrap
Run Time Library Reference  
By first letter  
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z $
By Functionality  
 Data types
Integers, ordinals
Floating point types
String, char types
Pointer types
Other types
 Program structure
Program control
Program data
 Object orientation
Control options
Data options
Data access
File name handling
 Strings and chars
Converting from
Converting to
 Numbers and sets
Converting from
Converting to
Default numbers
 Dates and times
Converting from
Converting to
Date and time values
By Unit  
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  Compiler directives
  Variables   Constants
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