Convert a string into an Int64 value with default SysUtils unit
 function StrToInt64Def(const IntegerString string; Default Integer):Int64;
The StrToInt64Def function converts an Integer string, IntegerString such as '123' into an Int64 value, with a Default if the conversion fails.
It supports +ve and -ve numbers, and hexadecimal numbers, as prefixed by $ or 0x.
No conversion errors are generated - bad conversions simply result in the Default being returned.
Related commands
Int64A 64 bit sized integer - the largest in Delphi
IntToStrConvert an integer into a string
StrToIntConvert an integer string into an Integer value
StrToInt64Convert an integer string into an Int64 value
StrToIntDefConvert a string into an Integer value with default
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Example code : Converting decimal and hexadecimal numbers
  A, B, C, D, E, F : Int64;

  A := 32;
  B := StrToInt64Def('100', 0);    // '100' string converted to 100 integer
  C := StrToInt64Def('  -12', 0);  // Leading blanks are ignored
  D := StrToInt64Def('$1E', 0);    // Hexadecimal values start with a '$'
  E := StrToInt64Def('-0x1E', 0);  // ... or with a '0x'
  F := A + B + C + D + E;    // Lets add up all these integers

  ShowMessage('A : '+IntToStr(A));
  ShowMessage('B : '+IntToStr(B));
  ShowMessage('C : '+IntToStr(C));
  ShowMessage('D : '+IntToStr(D));
  ShowMessage('E : '+IntToStr(E));
  ShowMessage('F : '+IntToStr(F));
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  A : 32
  B : 100
  C : -12
  D : 30
  E : -30
  F : 120
Example code : Catching string to integer conversion errors
  A : Int64;

  // No need to catch conversion errors
  A := StrToInt64Def('100 ', 55);    // Trailing blanks are not supported
  ShowMessage('Value = '+IntToStr(A));

  A := StrToInt64Def('$FG' , 66);    // 'G' is an invalid hexadecimal digit
  ShowMessage('Value = '+IntToStr(A));
Show full unit code
  Value = 55
  Value = 66
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