Gives the square of a number System unit
1 function Sqr(Number   Integer):Integer;
2 function Sqr (Number     Int64:Int64;
3 function Sqr (Number Extended:Extended;
The Sqr function returns the square of a Number.
Sqr(Number) = Number * Number
The number may be an integer or floating point type.
Integer, Int64 numbers
If the square of the number exceeds the capacity of the target variable, then the result is :
Result Mod Capacity
Extended numbers
If the square of the number exceeds the capacity, EOverFlow exception is raised.
Special values are treated as follows:
Infinity, -Infinity  : Infinity
NaN (Not a Number)  : NaN
Related commands
DecDecrement an ordinal variable
IncIncrement an ordinal variable
SqrtGives the square root of a number
SumReturn the sum of an array of floating point values
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Example code : Find the square of various values
  number, squared : Byte;
  float : Extended;

  // The square of 15 = 225
  number  := 15;
  squared := Sqr(number);
  ShowMessageFmt('%d squared = %d',[number, squared]);

  // The square of 17 = 289
  // But result exceeds byte size, so result = 289 MOD 256 = 33
  number  := 17;
  squared := Sqr(number);
  ShowMessageFmt('%d squared = %d (see code above)',[number, squared]);

  // The square of infinity is still infinity
  float := Infinity;
  float := Sqr(float);
  ShowMessageFmt('Infinity squared = %f',[float]);
Show full unit code
  15 squared = 225
  17 squared = 33 (see code above)
  Infinity squared = INF
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