Description |
The PCurrency type is a pointer to a Currency value.
Pointer arithmetic, such as Inc, Dec can be used on it, for example to navigate a block of Currency values, as in the example.
| Related commands | Currency | | A decimal type with 4 decimal points used for financial values | Dec | | Decrement an ordinal variable | Inc | | Increment an ordinal variable |
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Example code : Store 3 Currency values in memory and navigate through them | var
currPtr : PCurrency;
 // Allocate storage for three currency variables
GetMem(currPtr, 3 * SizeOf(Currency));
 // Fill out these currency variables
currPtr^ := 123.45;
currPtr^ := 2.9;
currPtr^ := 87654321;
 // Now display these values
Dec(currPtr, 2);
ShowMessageFmt('Currency 1 = %m',[currPtr^]);
ShowMessageFmt('Currency 2 = %m',[currPtr^]);
ShowMessageFmt('Currency 3 = %m',[currPtr^]);
| Show full unit code | Currency 1 = ?123.45
Currency 2 = ?2.90
Currency 3 = ?87,654,321.00 |