Description |
The Ord function returns an integer value for any ordinal type Arg.
It is principally used to convert characters or enumerations into their numeric equivalents.
| Related commands | Char | | Variable type holding a single character | Chr | | Convert an integer into a character | Val | | Converts number strings to integer and floating point values |
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Example code : Illustrate all Ord types | var
A : AnsiChar;
C : Char;
W : WideChar;
E : Boolean;
I : Integer;
I64 : Int64;
 // Set the ordinal type values
A := 'A';
C := 'C';
W := 'W';
E := True;
I := 22;
I64 := 64;
 // And show the value of each
ShowMessage('A = '+IntToStr(Ord(A)));
ShowMessage('C = '+IntToStr(Ord(C)));
ShowMessage('W = '+IntToStr(Ord(W)));
ShowMessage('E = '+IntToStr(Ord(E)));
ShowMessage('I = '+IntToStr(Ord(I)));
ShowMessage('I64 = '+IntToStr(Ord(I64)));
| Show full unit code | A = 65
C = 67
W = 87
E = 1
I = 22
I64 = 64 |