Description |
The AnsiRightStr extracts characters from the right of a string.
It attempts to return the rightmost Count characters from Source.
If Count exceeds the size of the source, the whole of source is returned.
| Related commands | AnsiLeftStr | | Extracts characters from the left of a string | AnsiMidStr | | Returns a substring from the middle characters of a string | Trim | | Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string | TrimLeft | | Removes leading blanks from a string | TrimRight | | Removes trailing blanks from a string |
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Example code : A simple example | var
source, target : AnsiString;
source := '123456789';
target := AnsiRightStr(source, 3);
ShowMessage('Source = '+source);
ShowMessage('Target = '+target);
| Show full unit code | Source = 123456789
Target = 789 |