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  System.Globalization.RegionInfo Class
The RegionInfo class is a language independant equivalent to CultureInfo.
It holds information such as Currency and Metric information for the given Country/Region.
It can be constructed using a string representation of the Country/Region, or the unique numeric identifier for a Country/Region. The MSDN pages hold lists of these values.
Look at the ToString method for examples of property usage.
Constructor Create ( Identifier : Integer ; );
Constructor Create ( CountryRegion : String; );
ToString  Returns a string containing the Country/Region Name

CurrencySymbol  String  Gets the currency symbol associated with the country/region.
CurrentRegion  RegionInfo  Gets the RegionInfo that represents the country/region used by the current thread.
DisplayName  String  Gets the full name of the country/region in the language of the localized version of .NET Framework.
EnglishName  String  Gets the full name of the country/region in English.
IsMetric    Gets a value indicating whether the country/region uses the metric system for measurements.
ISOCurrencySymbol  String  Gets the three-character ISO 4217 currency symbol associated with the country/region.
Name  String  Gets the two-letter code defined in ISO 3166 for the country/region.
ThreeLetterISORegionName  String  Gets the three-letter code defined in ISO 3166 for the country/region.
ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName  String  Gets the three-letter code assigned by Windows to the country/region represented by this RegionInfo.
TwoLetterISORegionName  String  Gets the two-letter code defined in ISO 3166 for the country/region.

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