| BinarySearch | Searches a one-dimensional sorted Array for a specific element |
| Clear | Sets a range of elements in an Array to zero, false, or null as appropriate |
| Clone | Creates a shallow clone (copy) of the current array to a new array |
| Copy | Copies a sequence of elements from one array to another |
| CopyTo | Copies the current single dimension array values into another array |
| CreateInstance | Creates a single or multi dimensional array |
| GetEnumerator | Gets an enumerator to allow reading the elements of the current array |
| GetLength | Gets the length of a dimension of the current array |
| GetLowerBound | Gets the lower bound of a specified array dimension |
| GetUpperBound | Gets the upper bound of a specified array dimension |
| GetValue | Gets the value from an element of the current array |
| IndexOf | Tries to find the first occurence of an object in a single dimensional arra |
| LastIndexOf | Tries to find the last occurence of an object in a single dimensional array |
| Reverse | Reverses the sequence of elements in a single dimension array |
| SetValue | Sets the value in an element of the current array |
| Sort | Sorts an array or part of an array into value sequence |