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  System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo Class
The NumberFormatInfo class provides support for number to string formatting according to a culture.
A direct construction of a NumberFormetInfo object creates a culture independent object. Use System.Globalization.CultureInfo to create one that is culture dependant.
Constructor Create ;
CurrencyDecimalDigits  Integer  Indicates the number of decimal places to use in currency values.
CurrencyDecimalSeparator  String  Gets or sets the string to use as the decimal separator in currency values.
CurrencyGroupSeparator  String  Gets or sets the string that separates groups of digits to the left of the decimal in currency values.
CurrencyGroupSizes  Integer  Gets or sets the number of digits in each group to the left of the decimal in currency values.
CurrencyNegativePattern  Integer  Gets or sets the format pattern for negative currency values.
CurrencyPositivePattern  Integer  Gets or sets the format pattern for positive currency values.
CurrencySymbol  String  Gets or sets the string to use as the currency symbol.
CurrentInfo  NumberFormatInfo  Gets a read-only NumberFormatInfo that formats values based on the current culture.
InvariantInfo  NumberFormatInfo  Gets the default read-only NumberFormatInfo that is culture-independent (invariant).
IsReadOnly  Boolean  Gets a value indicating whether the NumberFormatInfo is read-only.
NaNSymbol  String  Gets or sets the string that represents the IEEE NaN (not a number) value.
NegativeInfinitySymbol  String  Gets or sets the string that represents negative infinity.
NegativeSign  String  Gets or sets the string that denotes that the associated number is negative.
NumberDecimalDigits  Integer  Gets or sets the number of decimal places to use in numeric values.
NumberDecimalSeparator  String  Gets or sets the string to use as the decimal separator in numeric values.
NumberGroupSeparator  String  Gets or sets the string that separates groups of digits to the left of the decimal in numeric values.
NumberGroupSizes  Array of Integer  Gets or sets the number of digits in each group to the left of the decimal in numeric values.
NumberNegativePattern  Integer  Gets or sets the format pattern for negative numeric values.
PercentDecimalDigits  Integer  Gets or sets the number of decimal places to use in percent values.
PercentDecimalSeparator  String  Gets or sets the string to use as the decimal separator in percent values.
PercentGroupSeparator  String  Gets or sets the string that separates groups of digits to the left of the decimal in percent values.
PercentGroupSizes  Array of Integer  Gets or sets the number of digits in each group to the left of the decimal in percent values.
PercentNegativePattern  Integer  Gets or sets the format pattern for negative percent values.
PercentPositivePattern  Integer  Gets or sets the format pattern for positive percent values.
PercentSymbol  String  Gets or sets the string to use as the percent symbol.
PerMilleSymbol  String  Gets or sets the string to use as the per mille symbol.
PositiveInfinitySymbol  String  Gets or sets the string that represents positive infinity.
PositiveSign  String  Gets or sets the string that denotes that the associated number is positive.

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