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  System.Globalization.CultureInfo Class
For the purposes of the CultureInfo class, International cutltures are defined by their language and their location. The purpose of this class is to encapsulate the information for a particular culture, and allow it to be used for date, number and string handling.
For example, the Hebrew calendar has between 353 and 385 days in a year.
Each culture is identified in one of two ways :
1. By language and location string
The syntax is : LanguageCode[-Country/Region]
For example, en represents general English whilst en-GB represents English for Great Britain.
2. By identification number
Each combination of language and region/country is designated by a unique identification number. For example :
en  = 0x0009
en-US  = 0x0409
en-GB  = 0x0809

A CultureInfo object may be constructed by specifying either the string or identification values. Additionally, you may specify whether user-selected culture settings are used - (this is beyond the scope of Delphi Basics).
Refer to the MSDN link to CultureInfo for more details and a list of language/region/country values and identifiers.
Constructor Create ( Culture : String ; );
Constructor Create ( CultureId : Integer ; );
Constructor Create ( Culture : String; UseUserOverride : Boolean );
Constructor Create ( CultureId : Integer; UseUserOverride : Boolean );
GetCultures  Get a list of cultures of a specified category
ToString  Displays the CultureInfo as a string

Calendar  Calendar  Returns a System.Calendar object aligned to this culture
CompareInfo  CompareInfo  Gets the CompareInfo that defines how to compare strings for the culture.
CurrentCulture  CultureInfo  Gets the CultureInfo that represents the culture used by the current thread.
CurrentUICulture  CultureInfo  Gets the CultureInfo that represents the current culture used by the Resource Manager to look up culture-specific resources at run time.
DateTimeFormat  DateTimeFormatInfo  Gets or sets a DateTimeFormatInfo that defines the culturally appropriate format of displaying dates and times.
DisplayName  String  Gets the culture name in the format "languagefull (country/regionfull)" in the language of the localized version of .NET Framework.
EnglishName  String  Gets the culture name in the format "languagefull (country/regionfull)" in English.
InstalledUICulture  CutureInfo  Gets the CultureInfo that represents the culture installed with the operating system.
InvariantCulture  CultureInfo  Gets the CultureInfo that is culture-independent (invariant).
IsNeutralCulture  Boolean  Gets a value indicating whether the current CultureInfo represents a neutral culture.
IsReadOnly  Boolean  Gets a value indicating whether the current CultureInfo is read-only.
LCID  Integer  Gets the culture identifier for the current CultureInfo.
Name  String  Gets the culture name in the format "languagecode2-country/regioncode2".
NativeName  String  Gets the culture name in the format "languagefull (country/regionfull)" in the language that the culture is set to display.
NumberFormat  NumberFormatInfo  Gets or sets a NumberFormatInfo that defines the culturally appropriate format of displaying numbers, currency, and percentage.
OptionalCalendars  Array of Calendar  Gets the list of calendars that can be used by the culture.
Parent  CultureInfo  Gets the CultureInfo that represents the parent culture of the current CultureInfo.
TextInfo  TextInfo  Gets the TextInfo that defines the writing system associated with the culture.
ThreeLetterISOLanguageName  String  Gets the ISO 639-2 three-letter code for the language of the current CultureInfo.
ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName  String  Gets the three-letter code for the language as defined in the Windows API.
TwoLetterISOLanguageName  String  Gets the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for the language of the current CultureInfo.
UseUserOverride  Boolean  Gets a value indicating whether the current CultureInfo uses the user-selected culture settings.

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