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Gets the value from an element of the current array
Array Class
System NameSpace
CF1.  Function GetValue ( Index : Integer; ) : Object ;
CF2.  Function GetValue ( Index0:IntegerIndex0 : Integer; Index1 : Integer; ) : Object;
CF3.  Function GetValue ( Index0:IntegerIndex0 : Integer; Index1 : Integer; Index2 : Integer; ) : Object;
CF4.  Function GetValue ( Index : Int64; ) : Object;
CF5.  Function GetValue ( Index0:Int64Index0 : Int64; Index1 : Int64; ) : Object;
CF6.  Function GetValue ( Index0:Int64Index0 : Int64; Index1 : Int64; Index2 : Int64; ) : Object;
CF7.  Function GetValue ( Indices : Array of Integer; ) : Object ;
NotCF8.  Function GetValue ( Indices : Array of Int64; ) : Object;
CF : Methods with this mark are Compact Framework Compatible
Returns the value at the specified array position.
For a single dimensional array, Index provides the position.
For multidimentional arrays, Index0, Index1, Index2 or Indices specify the dimension positions
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Getting values from a single dimension array
program Project1;

  myArray : System.Array;
  i       : Integer;

  // Create a 4 element single dimension array of strings
  myArray := System.Array.CreateInstance(TypeOf(String), 4);

  // Fill the array with values
  myArray.SetValue('Hello',  0);
  myArray.SetValue('from',   1);
  myArray.SetValue('Delphi', 2);
  myArray.SetValue('Basics', 3);

  // Display the array contents
  for i := 0 to myArray.Length-1 do  // Arrays are always 0 based
    Console.WriteLine('myArray[{0}] = {1}',
                       i.ToString, myArray.GetValue(i));

Show full unit code
  myArray[0] = Hello
  myArray[1] = from
  myArray[2] = Delphi
  myArray[3] = Basics
Getting values from a multidimensional array
program Project1;

  myArray : System.Array;       // .Net array
  lengths : Array of Integer;   // Native Delphi dynamic array
  value   : Integer;
  i0, i1  : Integer;

  // First, we define the array that holds the lengths of each
  // dimension of our multi-dimensional array
  SetLength(lengths, 2);  // Dynamic arrays are always 0 based

  lengths[0] := 2;
  lengths[1] := 3;

  // Create a multi dimensional array of integers
  myArray := System.Array.CreateInstance(TypeOf(Integer), lengths);

  // Fill the array with values
  for i0 := 0 to myArray.GetUpperBound(0) do
    for i1 := 0 to myArray.GetUpperBound(1) do
        // Create an element value according to its array position
        value := i0 + i1;
        myArray.SetValue(TObject(value), i0, i1);

  // Display the array contents
  for i0 := 0 to myArray.GetUpperBound(0) do
    for i1 := 0 to myArray.GetUpperBound(1) do
        // Get the array element value
        value := Integer(myArray.GetValue(i0, i1));
        Console.WriteLine('myArray[ ' + i0.ToString + ', '   +
                                        i1.ToString + '] = ' +

Show full unit code
  myArray[ 0, 0] = 0
  myArray[ 0, 1] = 1
  myArray[ 0, 2] = 2
  myArray[ 1, 0] = 1
  myArray[ 1, 1] = 2
  myArray[ 1, 2] = 3
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