Description |
The GetMem procedure attempts to get the specified StorageSize bytes of storage, storing a pointer to the storage in StoragePointer.
If the allocation fails, then a EOutOfMemory exception is raised.
The storage is not initialised in any way.
| Notes | The GetMem procedure is Thread safe as long as IsMultiThread is true.
It is better to use New to allocate storage for records - the example is for illustration of GetMem and pointer manipulation.
| | Related commands | Dispose | | Dispose of storage used by a pointer type variable | FillChar | | Fills out a section of storage with a fill character or byte value | FreeMem | | Free memory storage used by a variable | New | | Create a new pointer type variable | ReallocMem | | Reallocate an existing block of storage |
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Example code : Get storage for 3 records and use this storage | type
TRecord = Record
name : string[10];
age : Byte;
recPointer : ^TRecord;
 // Allocate storage for three records
 // Note : It is better to use New for this
 // It is used here for illustration purposes only
GetMem(recPointer, 3 * SizeOf(TRecord));
 // Fill out these 3 records with values := 'Brian';
recPointer.age := 23;
Inc(recPointer); := 'Jim';
recPointer.age := 55;
Inc(recPointer); := 'Sally';
recPointer.age := 38;
 // Now display these values
Dec(recPointer, 2);
ShowMessageFmt('%s is %d',[, recPointer.age]);
ShowMessageFmt('%s is %d',[, recPointer.age]);
ShowMessageFmt('%s is %d',[, recPointer.age]);
| Show full unit code | Brian is 23
Jim is 55
Sally is 38 |