Sets the century threshold for 2 digit year string conversions SysUtils unit
var TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow : Word;
The TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow variable is used when converting 2 digit year date strings to TDateTime values.
The TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow value is subtracted from the current date to set the conversion threshold.
For example :
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow  : 50 (default)
Current year last  : 2002
Threshold is then set  : 1952
100 year window becomes  : 1952 - 2051

When converting a 2 digit string year, such as 75, the 2 digits are compared to the threshold last two digits. If greater, then the date is in the lower century, for example 1975. If lower than the threshold, the date is in the higher century. For example, 44 would give 2044.
If the TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow value is zero, then the value is always set in the current century, regardless of the 2 digits value.
Related commands
StrToDateConverts a date string into a TDateTime value
StrToDateTimeConverts a date+time string into a TDateTime value
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Example code : Move the threshold to see how a conversion is affected
  myDate : TDateTime;
  formattedDate : string;

  // Set up a date from a 2 digit year using the default threshold
  myDate := StrToDate('09/05/30');
  ShowMessage('09/05/30 using  default threshold = '+DateToStr(myDate));

  // Now change the default threshold to 80 :
  // 2002 (at time of writing) - 80 gives 1922
  // 30 is above 22, so 1900 century is chosen
  TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow := 80;
  myDate := StrToDate('09/05/30');
  ShowMessage('09/05/30 using override threshold = '+DateToStr(myDate));
Show full unit code
  09/05/30 using default threshold = 09/05/2030
  09/05/30 using override threshold = 09/05/1930
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