Generate a random floating point or integer number System unit
1 function Random():Extended;
2 function Random (LimitPlusOne Integer:Integer;
The Random function generates random numbers. They can be floating point numbers in the range :
0 <= Number < 1.0
or integer numbers in the range :
0 <= Number < LimitPlusOne
Delphi uses a pseudo random number generator that always returns the same sequence of values (232) each time the program runs.
To avoid this predictability, use the Randomize procedure. It repositions into this random number sequence using the time of day as a pseudo random seed.
Related commands
RandomizeReposition the Random number generator next value
RandomRangeGenerate a random integer number within a supplied range
RandSeedReposition the Random number generator next value
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Example code : Generate sets of floating point and integer numbers
  float : single;
  int   : Integer;
  i     : Integer;

  // Get floating point random numbers in the range 0 <= Number < 1.0
  for i := 1 to 5 do
    float := Random;
    ShowMessage('float = '+FloatToStr(float));


  // Get an integer random number in the range 1..100
  for i := 1 to 5 do
    int := 1 + Random(100);    // The 100 value gives a range 0..99
    ShowMessage('int = '+IntToStr(int));
Show full unit code
  float = 2.3283064365387E-10
  float = 0.031379981256104
  float = 0.861048460006714
  float = 0.202580958604813
  float = 0.2729212641716
  int = 68
  int = 32
  int = 17
  int = 38
  int = 43
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