Build a TDateTime value from day and time values DateUtils unit
 function EncodeDateTime(const Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec Word):TDateTime;
The EncodeDateTime function generates a TDateTime return value from the passed Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec and MSec (millisecond) values.
The permitted parameter values are :
Year  = 0..9999
Month  = 1..12
Day  = 1..31 (depending on month/year)
Hour  = 0..23
Min  = 0..59
Sec  = 0..59
MSec  = 0..999

If you exceed these values, an EConvertError is raised.
Related commands
DecodeDateExtracts the year, month, day values from a TDateTime var.
DecodeDateTimeBreaks a TDateTime variable into its date/time parts
DecodeTimeBreak a TDateTime value into individual time values
EncodeDateBuild a TDateTime value from year, month and day values
EncodeTimeBuild a TDateTime value from hour, min, sec and msec values
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Example code : Assign a full day and time value to a TDateTime variable
  myDate : TDateTime;

  // Set my date variable using the EncodeDateTime function
  myDate := EncodeDateTime(2000, 02, 29, 12, 34, 56, 789);

  LongTimeFormat := 'hh:mm:ss.z';  // Ensure that MSecs are shown

  ShowMessage('Date set to '+DateToStr(myDate));
  ShowMessage('Time set to '+TimeToStr(myDate));
Show full unit code
  Date set to 29/02/2000
  Time set to 12:34:56.789
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