Converts TDateTime date and time values to a string SysUtils unit
1 function DateTimeToStr(DateTime TDateTime):string;
2 function DateTimeToStr (DateTime TDateTime; const FormatSettings TFormatSettings:string;
The DateTimeToStr function converts a TDateTime value DateTime into a formatted date and time string.
The string comprises :
Date in  ShortDateFormat
1 blank 
Time in  LongTimeFormat

See these two formatting variables for more details.
The date and time formats are also affected by the DateSeparator and TimeSeparator values.
Version 2 of this function is for use within threads. You furnish the FormatSettings record before invoking the call. It takes a local copy of global formatting variables that make the routine thread safe.
If the time is Midnight (00:00), then it is not stored in the string. Quite why is another matter.
Related commands
DateSeparatorThe character used to separate display date fields
DateTimeToStringRich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string
LongTimeFormatLong version of the time to string format
ShortDateFormatCompact version of the date to string format
StrToDateConverts a date string into a TDateTime value
StrToDateTimeConverts a date+time string into a TDateTime value
StrToTimeConverts a time string into a TDateTime value
TFormatSettingsA record for holding locale values for thread-safe functions
TimeSeparatorThe character used to separate display time fields
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Example code : Converting two date/time values to strings
  myDate : TDateTime;

  myDate := StrToDateTime('09/02/2002 12:00');
  ShowMessage('Middle of a day = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));

  myDate := StrToDateTime('09/02/2002 00:00');
  ShowMessage('Start  of a day = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate));
Show full unit code
  Middle of a day = 09/02/2002 12:00:00
  Start of a day = 09/02/2002
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