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Moves a Directory (folder) to a new location
DirectoryInfo Class
System.IO NameSpace
CF1.  Procedure MoveTo ( TargetDirectoryPath : String; ) ;
CF : Methods with this mark are Compact Framework Compatible
This is a bit of a confusing method. You specify the new TargetDirectoryPath string as the location for moving the current Directory and its contents.
In basic usage, you give the name of the new Directory to be created. It must be different from the current Directory name, and must not exist.
However, if it does exist, then the current directory is moved with its current name to a subdirectory of this existing directory.
Important : when specifying a relative directory, the new directory is relative to the current directory (as given by System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory) and not the current object folder location! This is not so obvious to see at first!
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A simple example
program Project1;


  DirInfo    : System.IO.DirectoryInfo;
  Path       : String;
  Folders    : Array of DirectoryInfo;
  SubFolder1 : System.IO.DirectoryInfo;
  SubFolder2 : System.IO.DirectoryInfo;
  i          : Integer;

  // Create a base folder
  Path := 'C:\Base';
  DirInfo := System.IO.DirectoryInfo.Create(Path);

  // And 2 sub-folders
  SubFolder1 := DirInfo.CreateSubdirectory('SubFolder1');
  SubFolder2 := DirInfo.CreateSubdirectory('SubFolder2');

  // List the folders under C:\Base
  Folders := DirInfo.GetDirectories;

  Console.WriteLine('Listing C:\Base sub folders :');

  for i := 0 to Length(Folders)-1 do

  // Now move the sub folder to a new name under C:\Base

  // List the folders under C:\Base
  Folders := DirInfo.GetDirectories;

  Console.WriteLine('SubFolder1 renamed to NewFolder');
  Console.WriteLine('Listing C:\Base sub folders :');

  for i := 0 to Length(Folders)-1 do

  // Delete the base and subfolders

Show full unit code
  Listing C:\Base sub folders :
  SubFolder1 renamed to NewFolder
  Listing C:\Base sub folders :
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